Perk up your Tuesday: A look at the life of Calvin and Hobbes Creator Bill Watterson

Hello, 2014! I like starting the year on a positive note so you’ll get this inspirational (slightly dated) piece from one of my favorite places online, Zen Pencils. It is like a layer of one favorite thing after another with the quote from Calvin and Hobbes creator Bill Watterson. And I do believe it is the most popular strip for 2013 on the site.

Perk up your Tuesday: A look at the life of Calvin and Hobbes Creator Bill Watterson

Plus, I like that it encourages people to just keep searching for that perceived troublesome yet completely fulfilling purpose for life.

I also like how Gavin Aung Than, the brilliant artist behind Zen Pencils, talks about Bill’s life and work and what he did to make sure the integrity of his work was kept.

You best check out bits and pieces of Watterson’s graduation speech at Kenyon college that Brain Pickings posted. It talks a lot about creativity, how to keep the muses going, and even how to define your own success.

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